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Recruit Temporary Staff From Over 300,000 Flexible Job Seekers Per Month

Looking to hire temporary workers for retail work, promotions, bar work, event staffing or office work? E4s helps you get in touch with over 300,000 flexible job seekers per month looking for part time and temporary positions. E4S operates across the UK so you can target your specific local area, or advertise across the UK, all from just £20 per month.

Why Use e4s?

  1. 423,914 unique job seekers in Oct 2010
  2. 651,115 job views in October
  3. 79,670 registered job seekers
  4. 232,188 applications in October 2010
  5. All from JUST £20 per month
  • abc
  • Sept 2008*
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  • Feb 2009

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  2. listimageEasy online job posting
  3. listimageHigh profile advertising option including banner advertising, featured jobs,
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Clients Include

Wesser HalifaxDisneyLordsMichael WisherErnstyoungMerrill